Our Team

Don Mason

I am honored to join with my friends to form the Progressive Mississippi Political Action Committee (PMPAC). Our mission is clear and urgent: to recruit, support, and empower a new generation of progressive leaders committed to saving and protecting our democratic form of government.

Throughout my career, I have been driven by a passion for justice, equality, and the belief that every voice matters. With a background in public service, criminal prosecution, and policy advocacy, I have worked alongside others to fight for fairness, economic justice, environmental sustainability, and social equity. I have witnessed the transformative power of civic engagement and the impact that dedicated leadership can have on our society.

The PMPAC is born out of a profound sense of duty and hope. We recognize the critical challenges facing our state and nation today. Yet, we also see immense opportunities for progress and positive change. By identifying and nurturing visionary leaders who share our commitment to progressive values, we aim to build a future where every Mississippian can thrive.

As we embark on this journey, I am filled with hope and determination. I invite you to join us in this critical endeavor. Together, we can and will shape a more just, inclusive, and vibrant state.

Don Mason

David Olds

Dear Friend, As the past Chairman of the Executive Committee of the DeSoto County, MS Democratic Party, I am keenly aware of the of the issues, concerns, and the obstacles that we face in Mississippi with the MAGA leadership in our state and local governments.

Our MAGA Governor refuses to accept federal money to help support our rural hospitals and provide adequate healthcare for the poor and the needy. As a state Mississippi ranks at the bottom for health care. Our tax money for Public Education is diverted to fund choice, private and religious schools. This is a direct violation of our Mississippi State Constitution. Our state has the highest grocery tax in the nation. Our Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) is under attack and thousands could lose or see a decrease in their benefits.

The MAGA Party today is simply made up of cultural grievances. The Republican leadership in Jackson are angry, bitter, rude and paranoid. But mostly they believe and worship GREED. They cater to the rich and powerful. The Republicans in Jackson rob from the poor - TANF and give to the rich. Greed. They deflect and make up irrelevant issues to cover up their ignorance and arrogance for the issues most important to Mississippians: Healthcare. Public Education. Infrastructure. Public Safety. Equal Rights. These are the issues that are important and vital to all of us. These are also the issues that MAGA refuses to address. They simply don’t give a damn about the working poor and middle class.

The history and the heritage of the Progressive has always been to look after the working class and the working poor. It has a history deeply rooted in Civil Rights, Equal Rights and that all “men are created equal”. “Men” meaning everyone. Yes All. That heritage remains intact and as equally vital as it was over 200 years ago. Please join us in the fight for freedom, fairness and true representation. David